Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Moonrise Kingdom Images Online

Fresh pics from Wes Anderson's latestA new Wes Anderson film is always something to get excited about, and Moonrise Kingdom looks to be no exception.While the title might suggest that it's a fantasy role-playing game, in fact it's a star-studded story of young love. And a few new images have now hit the web to give us a clue what we're in for.The story concerns two 12 year-olds, Sam and Suzy (newcomers Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward), who fall in love during the summer of 1965 inNew England. They make a secret pact and run away together - but a violent storm is building and there's a frantic search to find them.{New Moonrise Kingdom Images}Bruce Willis joins Anderson's ensemble as the local sheriff, Captain Sharp. Edward Norton plays a 'Khaki Scout' troop leader, Scout Master Ward. Bill Murray and Frances McDormand are Suzy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. The cast also includes Tilda Swinton, Jason Schwartzman, and Bob Balaban.In other words, the cast is ace and these pictures suggest that it has all of Anderson's usual quirky charm, as you'd expect with him directing and co-writing with Roman Coppola. Moonrise Kingdom is out on May 25 in the UK, so adjust your woggles and prepare yourselves for then.

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