Friday, November 4, 2011

Werner Herzog: 'One Shot' Villain Hired for Tom Cruise Movie Because He's 'Good'

Look at the poster for 'Tower Heist.' Can you guess what's missing? The answer is Ben Stiller's afro and Eddie Murphy's barely-there mustache. At this point, you might be thinking: "Wait! Ben Stiller never had an afro. And since when did Eddie Murphy have trouble growing facial hair?" Well, your answer is the above photo. Courtesy of the folks at Snakkle (who have a ton of before-they-were-famous celebrity photos you should check out) the images were snapped back when the two future co-stars were still in high school. (Stiller in 1983 at Calhoun HS in NY; Murphy in 1979 at Roosevelt HS, also in NY.) The picture shows Ben Stiller rocking what appears to be a patterned denim shirt as well as the aforementioned mop top, while Murphy sports a nice suit. The photo isn't as unrecognizable as other pre-fame celeb pictures, but it is still entertaining to see these two A-listers when they were teenagers. You can check out Stiller, sans afro, along with Murphy, this weekend in 'Tower Heist.' [via Snakkle] [Photo: Seth Poppel/Yearbook Library] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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